Undirlægja Össurar gagnvart Bretum ótrúleg !

    Össur Skarphéðinsson utanríkisráðherra hefur nú  sent
breskum þingmönnum bréf. Leggst þar á hnén og sárbiður
Breta að aflétta hryðjuverkalögunum gagnvart Islandi.

   Þetta er enn eitt dæmið um vítaverðan undirlægjuhátt
Samfylkingarinnar varðandi hryðjuverkalögin og icesave-
málið. Hvernig Samfylkingin hefur gjörsamlega klúðrað mál-
inu frá fyrsta degi. Það er sorglegt að jafn and-þjóðleg öfl
og Samfylkingin fari með völdin á Íslandi. Og ekki batnar
ástandið við tilkomu rauðliðanna úr Vinstri grænum.

   Til að kóróna svo niðurlæginguna gagnvar íslenzkri þjóð
segir DV.is frá því í kvöld að forstjóri Landhelgisgæslunnar
hafð verið látinn funda með varnarmálafulltrúa Bretlands
gagnvart Íslandi og breska sendiherranum. Tilefnið? Jú til
að ræða ÖRYGGISMÁL á N-Atlantshafi og breyttar áherslur
í starfi strandgæslna og sjóherja.

   Undirlægjuháttur utanríkisráðherra og Samfylkingarinnar
gagnvart Bretum sem enn beita okkur mestu smán sem hugs-
ast getur á alþjóðavettvangi, HRYÐJUVERKALÖGUM, VIRÐIST
ENGINN TAKMÖRK SETT!!! Svona stjónmálaafl sem situr svona
augljóslega á svikráðum við þjóð sína á umsvifalaust að fara
frá völdum, og það þegar í stað. Ekki nóg með að það vinni
nótt og dag að koma íslenzkri þjóð undir erlent vald, heldur
er líka tilbúið til að kyssa vönd mikillar óvinaþjóðar, sem eins-
kyns svífist í að útata orðstír íslenzkrar þjóðar í augum al-
heimsins og beita henni efnahagslegum hryðjuverkum.

   Samfylkingin og vinstristjórn hennar á því að fara frá með
góðu eða illu. Íslenzkir þjóðarhagsmunir krefjast þess!

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1 identicon

Hjartanlega sammála. Það á að reka breska sendiherrann heim og láta hann dúsa heima hjá sér, þar til Bretar aflétta hryðjuverkalögunum af íslendingum.

Eggert Guðmundsson (IP-tala skráð) 12.5.2009 kl. 23:01

2 Smámynd: Magnús Helgi Björgvinsson

Eggert og hvernig heldur þú að það leysi deilur okkar? Ef við hættum að tala við breta um deilur okkar þá leysum við þær ekki. Og þú ættir kannski að husa til þess að við eigum enn gríðarlega hagsmuni í Bretlandi. Fullt af eignum, fullt af peningum og fullt af hagsmunum sem við þurfum að verja.

Ég sé nú engan undirlægju þátt í þessu bréfi sem sent var þingmönnum í Bretlandi. Þar er tekið fram að Bresk þingnefnd hafi komist að þeirri niðurstöðu að aðgerðir gegn Íslandi hafi verið allt of harðar og þess krafist að frysing eigna okkar verði afnumin. Það er farið hörðum orðum um hryðjuverkalögin sem sett voru á okkur og þess krafist að þeim verði aflétt. Auk þess bent á að nú þegar sé að koma í ljós að eignir í bönkunum séu að standa undir meira af endurgreiðslum til innistæðueigenda en reiknað var með. Sé ekki hvað Össur hefði átt að gera meira. Við slítum ekki stjórnmálasambandi við þjóð sem við eigum t.d. mikin hluta af öllum okkar gjaldeyrisskipum við.

30 April 2009
Dear Ms Beckett
Re: Treasury Select Committee Report:
Banking Crisis: The impact of the failure of the Icelandic banks
I am writing to you as a constituency MP and on behalf of my Foreign Minister, Össur Skarphéðinsson, to express the Icelandic viewpoint on some of the specific points raised in the Treasury Select Committee’s Report published on 4 April on the impact
of the failure of the Icelandic banks. The Icelandic Government has reflected on the Report’s findings and has made its response known to John McFall, the Committee’s Chairman.

We welcome a number of the recommendations of the Report. In particular, we share the Committee’s view that, by its use of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 to freeze assets of Landsbanki on 8 October, 2008, the UK Government became an active market participant rather than passive observer in the unfolding financial turbulence in Iceland with potentially unforeseen consequences. However, that said, the Icelandic Government is taking significant steps forward to bring the issues which are still outstanding with the UK Government to a mutually acceptable conclusion.

It is important to remember that Iceland and the UK have enjoyed a long-term alliance and the trading relationship between our two countries has delivered mutual benefit. Indeed the UK has long been Iceland’s strongest trading, tourism and investment partner. There is no doubt that the current situation has stigmatised a healthy and profitable economic and diplomatic partnership.

Furthermore, the Icelandic people have been greatly offended and concerned by the use of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security 2001 legislation, feeling branded as terrorists when they felt they were close allies of the British. We believe that the imposition of the Act’s sanctions had ramifications well beyond what seems to have been the UK Government’s original intention. It had an impact on Iceland’s economy, its financial system as well as on its worldwide reputation.

A barrier to progress between us and the UK has been the continuing imposition of the freezing order over the Landsbanki assets. This is still in place more than six months after it was applied. It serves no purpose other than to hinder Iceland’s path to recovery. The lifting of the order would provide assurance that the relationship between us was now back on a more balanced footing. We have made representations to HM Treasury to rescind the freezing order.

Our Prime Minister, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, has recently written to Prime Minister Brown, to emphasise Iceland’s desire to re establish strong bi-lateral relations and to encourage the UK Government to lift the freezing order. She also informed him that Iceland is re-doubling efforts to bring to a conclusion the negotiations on the settlement of the outstanding guaranteed deposits relating to Landsbanki, in accordance with the guidelines agreed in Brussels last November. These are positive steps forward, but the lifting of the freezing order would undoubtedly assist in successfully concluding the process.
We also view the Committee’s commitment to a further investigation into the wider issues of EU banking directives, cross-border regulations and ‘passporting’ as a very positive step. As the Committee Report shows, several witnesses to the Banking Inquiry called for much greater clarity and a re evaluation of the impact of EU directives on financial stability. Clearly, the complexity of the current regulatory framework exacerbated the Icelandic situation. We hope to offer whatever information and assistance we can in the development of a more effective EU banking legislation.
In addition, during recent months Icelandic representatives have met with representatives of the local government authorities, charities and action groups who are depositors with Icelandic banks. We have noted with interest the Committee’s recommendation that the charities concerned should receive support from the UK Government. We were also pleased to learn that the Local Government Association expects its Councils to receive “the lion’s share of money back” from the banks as part of the administration process. Furthermore, recent information from the British administrators of the Landsbanki owned Heritiable Bank, indicates a high rate of return to depositors, possibly up to 80% if the assets are fully maximised and market
conditions are favourable on disposal.

All of these issues remain hugely important for Iceland. As a Government and a nation, we are keen that British Parliamentarians understand our position in these difficult times. If you have further questions please contact me at the Embassy.
Best regards,

Magnús Helgi Björgvinsson, 13.5.2009 kl. 00:03

3 Smámynd: Guðmundur Jónas Kristjánsson

Magnús minn. Þú á átt bágt í þessu landssöluliði Jóhönnu. Virkilega  bágt!!

Guðmundur Jónas Kristjánsson, 13.5.2009 kl. 00:37

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